
1 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr # isscrolls - Simple player toolkit for the Ironsworn tabletop RPG
2 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
3 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr isscrolls is a simple toolkit for players of the Ironsworn tabletop RPG. It is intended for both solo and co-op player and allows to roll different dices such as action or oracle rolls. It also provides results from the static oracle tables from the official rulebook.
4 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
5 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr Although there are several Ironsworn player toolkits available, there was none for the command line. Since I prefer working in a terminal, I wrote isscrolls. Think of it as the most Unix-like Ironsworn experience you'll ever see. Besides that, you can play it over SSH or even in a shared terminal session (with tmux or screen).
6 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
7 171645ee 2021-09-16 xhr ![isscrolls screenshot](
8 171645ee 2021-09-16 xhr
9 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr ## Features
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11 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr The following game mechanics are already implemented:
12 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr
13 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr * All _Adventure moves_
14 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr * Automatic progress tracking for journey
15 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr * All _Combat moves_
16 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr * Automatic progress tracking for fights
17 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr * All _Quest moves_
18 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr * Most of the _Relationship moves_
19 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr * Support for various oracle tables such as names, locations, etc
20 5dd749a0 2021-09-11 xhr
21 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ## Installation
22 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
23 3de9f297 2021-09-16 xhr isscrolls is written in C and tested on OpenBSD, and Linux. To compile it you need the following things:
24 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
25 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr * A C compiler (tested with both clang and GCC)
26 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr * make (tested with both BSD and GNU make)
27 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr * [The GNU Readline library](
28 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr * [JSON-C](
29 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
30 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ### Dependencies
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32 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr On most Unix systems, __readline__ is installed by default. Otherwise, __readline__ and __json-c__ can be installed from the package manager of your distribution or compiled from source. By default, the `Makefile` looks for external includes and libraries in `/usr/local/include` and `/usr/local/lib`. If you use a special path, modify the Makefile accordingly.
33 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
34 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr Install the dependencies as follows:
35 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
36 d5fd45f0 2021-09-06 xhr | Operating System | Command |
37 d5fd45f0 2021-09-06 xhr | --- | --- |
38 d5fd45f0 2021-09-06 xhr | Ubuntu Linux| `apt install libreadline-dev libjson-c-dev` |
39 d5fd45f0 2021-09-06 xhr | OpenBSD | `pkg_add json-c` |
40 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
41 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ### Compilation and Installation
42 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
43 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr Compile and install with the following commands:
44 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
45 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ```
46 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr $ make
47 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr # make install
48 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ```
49 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
50 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ## Usage
51 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
52 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr isscrolls presents the user with a command prompt and accepts various command. A built-in help can be achieved by entering __help__ at isscrolls' command prompt.
53 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
54 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr **Example**
55 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
56 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ```
57 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr > action 3
58 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr D6: 3+3=6 D10: 5, 7 -> weak hit
59 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr > trollname
60 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr Slith (72)
61 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr > oracle
62 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr 80
63 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ```
64 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr
65 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr All usage patterns are described in the man page.
66 ff554e0d 2021-09-16 xhr
67 ed0972e3 2021-09-06 xhr ## License
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69 c982156d 2021-09-09 xhr isscrolls was written by Matthias Schmidt and is licensed under the ISC license. The Ironsworn material was written by [Shawn Tomkin]( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.