
1 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! ===== fonts
2 cc14b768 2013-06-30 xhr Xft.dpi: 96
3 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr Xft.hintstyle : hintslight
4 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr Xft.hinting : true
5 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr Xft.antialias : 1
6 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr Xft.rgba : rgb
7 d39e7f48 2021-06-13 xhr Xft.autohint: true
8 d39e7f48 2021-06-13 xhr Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
9 cc14b768 2013-06-30 xhr
10 cc14b768 2013-06-30 xhr ! xterm ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11 cc14b768 2013-06-30 xhr
12 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Enable dynamic coloring
13 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*dynamicColors: true
14 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*saveLines: 4096
15 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Go to bottom when scrolling and a key is pressed
16 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*scrollKey: true
17 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Go to bottom when scrolling and sth happens in the terminal
18 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
19 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! No scrollbar
20 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*scrollBar: false
21 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Scroll multiple lines at once
22 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*jumpScroll: true
23 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Scrolling is done asynchronously
24 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*multiScroll: true
25 1c76fd63 2022-04-11 xhr xterm*utf8: true
26 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*locale: true
27 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*eightBitInput: true
28 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*background: black
29 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*foreground: gray
30 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !xterm*background: #100010000000
31 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !xterm*foreground: #7FFFDFFFDFFF
32 f6632a07 2018-02-28 xhr xterm*cursorColor: white
33 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*termName: screen-256color
34 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Enable visual bells
35 b339bd6b 2014-05-23 xhr XTerm*visualbell: true
36 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*bellIsUrgent: true
37 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! No borders
38 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*borderWidth: 0
39 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! Disable enabling xterm fullscreen with Alt + Enter
40 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*fullscreen: never
41 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !xterm*font: xft:fixed-10
42 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !xterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
43 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font : -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
44 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font1: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
45 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font2: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
46 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font3: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
47 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font4: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-22-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
48 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font5: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
49 13c39870 2022-05-13 xhr XTerm*font6: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
50 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! make alt key work normally
51 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !XTerm*vt100.metaSendsEscape : true
52 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*metaSendsEscape : true
53 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! and do not include a trailing newline in the selection!
54 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*cutNewline: false
55 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! select word on two clicks
56 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*on2Clicks: word
57 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr xterm*on3Clicks: regex [^ \n]+
58 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*on4Clicks: regex ([[:alpha:]]+://)?([[:alnum:]!#+,./=?@_~-]|(%[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]))+
59 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! select whole line
60 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr XTerm*on5Clicks: line
61 c514eb91 2022-05-14 xhr ! font resize with Ctrl +/- and insert clipboard with Ctrl+Shift+v
62 9190135b 2022-05-13 xhr xterm*VT100.Translations: #override \
63 9190135b 2022-05-13 xhr Ctrl <Key> minus: smaller-vt-font() \n\
64 9190135b 2022-05-13 xhr Ctrl <Key> plus: larger-vt-font() \n\
65 c514eb91 2022-05-14 xhr Ctrl <Key> 0: set-vt-font(d) \n\
66 c514eb91 2022-05-14 xhr Ctrl Shift <Key>V: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
67 c514eb91 2022-05-14 xhr Ctrl Shift <Key>C: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD)
68 9190135b 2022-05-13 xhr
69 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr ! urxvt ------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr URxvt*saveLines: 12000
71 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr URxvt*scrollBar: false
72 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr URxvt*fading: 30
73 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr ! Set transparent background
74 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr !URxvt*transparent: true
75 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr !URxvt*shading:20
76 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr
77 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr URxvt*background: black
78 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr URxvt*foreground: gray
79 370d5c24 2021-01-08 xhr
80 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr ! general ----------------------------------------------------------------------
81 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !*font: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
82 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr !*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
83 efbd89be 2021-01-06 xhr *font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
84 b339bd6b 2014-05-23 xhr *background: black
85 b339bd6b 2014-05-23 xhr *foreground: white
86 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
87 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*Cursor: pencil
88 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
89 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*font: -*-unifont-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
90 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*geometry: 420x280
91 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
92 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*shapeStyle: RoundedRectangle
93 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
94 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.background: rgb:2/2/3
95 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
96 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.borderColor: rgb:2/2/2
97 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.background: rgb:b/c/9
98 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.screen*background: rgb:b/c/8
99 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.screen.borderColor: rgb:b/c/d
100 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.screen*.foreground: rgb:2/2/2
101 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
102 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.horizDistance: 16
103 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.bevel.vertDistance: 8
104 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
105 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*Command.borderColor: rgb:2/2/3
106 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
107 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! 7894561230
108 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button7.background: rgb:7/3/2
109 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button8.background: rgb:7/3/2
110 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button9.background: rgb:7/3/2
111 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
112 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button17.background: rgb:7/3/2
113 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button18.background: rgb:7/3/2
114 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button19.background: rgb:7/3/2
115 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
116 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button27.background: rgb:7/3/2
117 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button28.background: rgb:7/3/2
118 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button29.background: rgb:7/3/2
119 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
120 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button36.background: rgb:7/3/2
121 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
122 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! exponent
123 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button16.label: E+
124 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button16.background: rgb:7/3/2
125 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! ,
126 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button37.label: ,
127 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button37.background: rgb:7/3/2
128 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
129 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! / - +
130 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button10.background: rgb:2/4/2
131 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button30.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
132 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button30.background: rgb:2/4/2
133 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button39.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
134 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button39.background: rgb:2/4/2
135 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
136 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! *
137 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button20.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
138 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button20.label: \264
139 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button20.background: rgb:2/4/2
140 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! sum
141 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button38.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
142 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button38.label: \345
143 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button38.background: rgb:2/4/2
144 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! change sign
145 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button6.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
146 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button6.label: \261
147 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button6.background: rgb:2/4/2
148 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
149 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! power/root/factorial
150 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button1.background: rgb:5/5/2
151 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button2.background: rgb:5/5/2
152 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button3.background: rgb:5/5/2
153 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button4.background: rgb:5/5/2
154 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button5.background: rgb:5/5/2
155 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button11.background: rgb:5/5/2
156 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
157 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! trigonometric
158 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button12.background: rgb:5/2/5
159 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button13.background: rgb:5/2/5
160 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button14.background: rgb:5/2/5
161 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button15.background: rgb:5/2/5
162 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! degree
163 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button32.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
164 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button32.label: \260
165 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button32.background: rgb:5/2/5
166 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! inverse
167 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button33.label: arc
168 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button33.background: rgb:5/2/5
169 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
170 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! stack
171 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button23.label: roll
172 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button23.background: rgb:4/2/8
173 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button24.label: swap
174 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button24.background: rgb:4/2/8
175 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! history
176 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button25.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
177 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button25.label: \254
178 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button25.background: rgb:4/2/8
179 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! store/recall
180 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button34.label: STO
181 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button34.background: rgb:4/2/8
182 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button35.label: RCL
183 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button35.background: rgb:4/2/8
184 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr
185 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! ENTER
186 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button26.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
187 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button26.label: \277
188 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button26.background: rgb:2/3/6
189 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr ! ON
190 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button31.font: -adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
191 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button31.label: \340
192 eba36072 2021-12-26 xhr XCalc*ti.button31.background: rgb:9/4/8