
1 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr # .bash_profile
2 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr
3 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr # Get the aliases and functions
4 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
5 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr . ~/.bashrc
6 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr fi
7 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr
8 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr # User specific environment and startup programs
9 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr
10 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
11 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr
12 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr export PATH
13 08408219 2017-03-08 matthias. if [ $(uname) = "Linux" ]; then
14 08408219 2017-03-08 matthias. # Make PATH available to systemd
15 08408219 2017-03-08 matthias. systemctl --user import-environment PATH
16 08408219 2017-03-08 matthias. fi
17 f20ed71a 2014-10-31 xhr
18 3f4f11e5 2014-11-04 xhr export TERMINAL=urxvtc