
1 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # i3status configuration file.
2 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # see "man i3status" for documentation.
3 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
4 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
5 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # The following line should contain a sharp s:
6 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # ß
7 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!
8 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
9 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr general {
10 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr colors = true
11 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr interval = 3
12 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
13 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
14 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "ipv6"
15 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "disk /"
16 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "disk /home"
17 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr order += "run_watch S"
18 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "run_watch D"
19 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "ethernet tun0"
20 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "ethernet eth0"
21 ff82be8f 2016-03-16 xhr order += "wireless wlan0"
22 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr #order += "battery 1"
23 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr #order += "battery 0"
24 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr #order += "battery 2"
25 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr order += "battery all"
26 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "cpu_usage"
27 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "volume master"
28 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr order += "tztime local"
29 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. order += "run_watch DB"
30 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
31 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr run_watch S {
32 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr pidfile = "/home/xhr/.screensaver-enabled.lock"
33 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
34 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr }
35 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr
36 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. run_watch DB {
37 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. pidfile = "/home/dropbox/.dropbox/"
38 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
39 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. }
40 81c9e453 2015-09-08 xhr
41 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr ipv6 {
42 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format_up = "%ip"
43 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format_down = ""
44 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
45 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
46 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr ethernet tun0 {
47 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format_up = "V: %ip"
48 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
49 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
50 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
51 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr wireless wlan0 {
52 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid, %bitrate) %ip"
53 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
54 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
55 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
56 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr ethernet eth0 {
57 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
58 9571b779 2015-06-23 xhr format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
59 9571b779 2015-06-23 xhr #format_up = "E: %ip"
60 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
61 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
62 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
63 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr battery 2 {
64 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr integer_battery_capacity = true
65 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr last_full_capacity = true
66 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr path = "/home/xhr/.uevent"
67 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
68 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_chr = "CHR"
69 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_bat = "BAT"
70 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_full = "FULL"
71 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr threshold_type = percentage
72 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr low_threshold = 20
73 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr }
74 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr
75 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr battery all {
76 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
77 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr format_down = "No battery"
78 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr integer_battery_capacity = true
79 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_chr = "CHR"
80 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_bat = "BAT"
81 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr status_full = "FULL"
82 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr threshold_type = percentage
83 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. low_threshold = 10
84 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
85 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr }
86 1b52918f 2016-10-07 xhr
87 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr battery 0 {
88 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
89 40a070a9 2015-05-25 xhr format_down = "No battery"
90 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr integer_battery_capacity = true
91 40a070a9 2015-05-25 xhr status_chr = "CHR"
92 40a070a9 2015-05-25 xhr status_bat = "BAT"
93 40a070a9 2015-05-25 xhr status_full = "FULL"
94 cc6a6567 2016-03-16 xhr threshold_type = percentage
95 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. low_threshold = 10
96 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
97 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
98 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
99 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr battery 1 {
100 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
101 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr format_down = "No battery"
102 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr integer_battery_capacity = true
103 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr status_chr = "CHR"
104 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr status_bat = "BAT"
105 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr status_full = "FULL"
106 cc6a6567 2016-03-16 xhr threshold_type = percentage
107 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr low_threshold = 20
108 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
109 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr }
110 c8b949e2 2016-02-07 xhr
111 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr run_watch D {
112 c9231c34 2016-01-07 xhr pidfile = "/run/dhcpcd*.pid"
113 f8f36a6d 2017-01-16 matthias. format_down = ""
114 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
115 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
116 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr tztime local {
117 a5ed812b 2018-09-03 xhr format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M (CW %V)"
118 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
119 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
120 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr disk "/" {
121 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr format = "r: %avail"
122 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr low_threshold = 2
123 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr threshold_type = gbytes_avail
124 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
125 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr
126 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr disk "/home" {
127 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr format = "h: %avail"
128 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr low_threshold = 5
129 1f76a5cf 2016-01-17 xhr threshold_type = gbytes_avail
130 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }
131 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr
132 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr volume master {
133 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format = "♪: %volume"
134 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr format_muted = "♪: muted (%volume)"
135 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr device = "default"
136 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr mixer = "Master"
137 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr mixer_idx = 0
138 daf9bb05 2014-11-01 xhr }