
1 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # screwer by ak5
2 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # heavily modified by xhr
3 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
4 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color"
5 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr default_color = "-1";
6 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
7 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning
8 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr info_eol = "false";
9 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
10 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
11 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # (dark grey by default)
12 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #replaces = { "[]():@" = "%K$*%n"; };
13 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr replaces = { "[]():@" = "%W$*%n"; };
14 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
15 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr abstracts = {
16 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
17 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## generic
18 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
19 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
20 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line
21 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr line_start = "";
22 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
23 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # timestamp styling, nothing by default
24 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr timestamp = "%W$*%N";
25 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
26 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
27 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr hilight = "%_$*%_";
28 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
29 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # any kind of error message, default is bright red
30 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr error = "%R$*%N";
31 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
32 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # channel name is printed
33 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channel = "$*";
34 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
35 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # nick is printed
36 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr nick = "%_$*%_";
37 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
38 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # nick host is printed
39 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr nickhost = "[%K$*]";
40 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
41 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # server name is printed
42 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr server = "%_$*%_";
43 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
44 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # some kind of comment is printed
45 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr comment = "($*)";
46 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
47 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)
48 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr reason = "($*)";
49 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
50 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # mode change is printed ([+o nick])
51 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr mode = "($*)";
52 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
53 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
54 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## channel specific messages
55 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
56 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
57 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # highlighted nick/host is printed
58 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channick_hilight = "%W$*%N";
59 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr chanhost_hilight = "[$*]";
60 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
61 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)
62 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channick = "%N$*";
63 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
64 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
65 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # highlighted channel name is printed
66 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channelhilight = "%_$*%_";
67 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
68 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
69 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ban = "$*";
70 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
71 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
72 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## messages
73 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
74 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
75 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
76 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr msgnick = "%K<%W$0%N$1%K>%N ";
77 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
78 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
79 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1}";
80 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownnick = "%W$0%n";
81 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
82 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
83 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1}";
84 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #pubnick = "%N$0%N";
85 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubnick = "%N$0%n";
86 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
87 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
88 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1}%W";
89 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #menick = "%W$0%N";
90 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr menick = "%b$*%n";
91 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
92 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # public highlighted message in channel
93 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick
94 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-}";
95 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}";
96 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
97 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # channel name is printed with message
98 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr msgchannel = "%N:%K$*%N";
99 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
100 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host
101 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr privmsg = "[$0(%K$1-)] ";
102 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
103 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick
104 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownprivmsg = "[%K$0(%N$1-)] ";
105 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
106 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # own private message in query
107 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
108 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownprivnick = "%W$*%N";
109 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
110 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # private message in query
111 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr privmsgnick = "{msgnick %N$*}";
112 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
113 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
114 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## Actions (/ME stuff)
115 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
116 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
117 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # used internally by this theme
118 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr action_core = "%W*%N $*";
119 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
120 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # generic one that's used by most actions
121 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr action = "{action_core $0} ";
122 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
123 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # own action, both private/public
124 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownaction = "{action_core $0} ";
125 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
126 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # own action with target, both private/public
127 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownaction_target = "%W*%N $0:%K$1%N ";
128 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
129 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # private action sent by others
130 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pvtaction = " %W*%N $* ";
131 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pvtaction_query = "{action $*}";
132 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
133 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # public action sent by others
134 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubaction = "{action $*}";
135 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
136 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
137 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
138 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## other IRC events
139 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
140 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
141 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # whois
142 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois = "%K$[8]0 :%N $1-";
143 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
144 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # notices
145 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownnotice = "[%K$0>%N$1-] ";
146 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr notice = "%W-%N$*%W-%N ";
147 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # notice = "%W-%N$0(
148 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubnotice_channel = "%N:%g$*";
149 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pvtnotice_host = "(%K$*)";
150 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr servernotice = "%K-%N$*%K-%N ";
151 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
152 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # CTCPs
153 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ownctcp = "[%K$0($1-)] ";
154 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ctcp = "%N$*";
155 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
156 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # wallops
157 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr wallop = "%W$*%N: ";
158 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr wallop_nick = "%N$*";
159 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr wallop_action = "%W * $*%N ";
160 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
161 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # netsplits
162 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr netsplit = "%w-%W-%K$*%W-%w-%N";
163 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr netjoin = "%w-%W-%K$*%W-%w-%N";
164 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
165 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # /names list
166 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_prefix = "";
167 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #names_nick = "%K|%W$0%N$1-%N ";
168 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_nick = "[%_$0%_%w$1-%n] ";
169 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}";
170 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}";
171 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}";
172 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #names_users = "%g$0-%n:";
173 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_users = "%K|>%w>%W>%N $*";
174 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr names_channel = "$*";
175 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
176 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # DCC
177 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dcc = "$*%N";
178 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccfile = "%_$*%_";
179 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
180 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # DCC chat, own msg/action
181 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccownmsg = "[$0($1-)] ";
182 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccownnick = "$*";
183 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccownquerynick = "%W$*%N";
184 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccownaction = "%K*%N $* ";
185 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccownaction_target = "%K*%N $0%K:%K$1%N ";
186 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
187 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # DCC chat, others
188 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccmsg = "[$1-($0)] ";
189 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccquerynick = "$*";
190 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr dccaction = "%K*%N $* ";
191 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
192 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
193 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ## statusbar
194 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr ##
195 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
196 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # default background for all statusbars. You can also give
197 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # the default foreground color for statusbar items.
198 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # sb_background = "%9%W";
199 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_background = "%N%N";
200 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
201 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # default backround for "default" statusbar group
202 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # sb_default_bg = "%0";
203 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_default_bg = "%N";
204 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # background for prompt / input line
205 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_prompt_bg = "%N";
206 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # background for info statusbar
207 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_info_bg = "%N";
208 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # background for topicbar (same default)
209 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_topic_bg = "%N";
210 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
211 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts
212 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # space there,so we don't use anything by default.
213 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # sbstart = "%y»)%N";
214 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbstart = "";
215 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
216 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # used for anything.
217 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbend = "%K<«";
218 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
219 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}";
220 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr topicsbstart = "%K»>%N";
221 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
222 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr topicsbend = "%K<«";
223 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #topicsbend = "";
224 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
225 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #prompt = "%K>%N$*%K: ";
226 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr prompt = "%K> ";
227 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
228 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb = "%K[%N$*%K]%N ";
229 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #custom:
230 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbtime = "%K$*%N ";
231 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr #endcustom
232 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbmode = "%K/%N+$*%N";
233 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbaway = " %N(%KzZzZ%N)%N";
234 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sbservertag = "%K:%N $0 %K(%N^X%K)";
235 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
236 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # activity in statusbar
237 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
238 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # ',' separator
239 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_act_sep = "%K$*";
240 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # normal text
241 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_act_text = "%N$*";
242 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # public message
243 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_act_msg = "%W$*";
244 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # hilight
245 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_act_hilight = "%Y$*";
246 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
247 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
248 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%N";
249 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # sb_act_hilight_color = "$0-%N";
250 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # sb_act_hilight_color = "%Y$1%N";
251 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
252 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
253 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # settings
254 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_usercount = "{sb $0 %K/ $1-}";
255 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_ircops = "%K*%N$*";
256 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_ops = "%K@%N$*";
257 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_halfops = "%K%%%N$*";
258 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_voices = "%K+%N$*";
259 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_normal = "%N$*";
260 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr sb_uc_space = "%K,";
261 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
262 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # settings
263 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr nact_display = "$1%G>%N$0%R>%N$2";
264 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr nact_command = "$1: [DN:$0 UP:$2]";
265 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr };
266 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
267 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
268 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr formats = {
269 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr "fe-common/core" = {
270 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr join = "%G»» %N$0%K » {chanhost $1} %Kjoins $2";
271 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr part = "%R«« %N$0%K « {chanhost $1} %Kleaves $2 {reason $3}";
272 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr quit = "%R«« %N$0%K « {chanhost $1} %Kquits {reason $2}";
273 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr kick = "%R«« %N$0%K « was kicked from%N {channel $1} %Kby%N $2 {reason $3}";
274 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $0}}$1";
275 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
276 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg_me = "{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $0}}$1";
277 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
278 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $1}$2";
279 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $4 $1{msgchannel $2}}$3";
280 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $0}}$1";
281 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
282 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr set_item = "$0 %K=%N $1";
283 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr line_start_irssi = "{line_start}{hilight %KIrssi:%N }";
284 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr nick_changed = "%K--%N{channick $0}%K- is now known as%N {nick $1}";
285 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr your_nick_changed = "%K--%N You're now known as {nick $1}";
286 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr daychange = "%K----%N Day changed to %%d %%b %%Y";
287 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr };
288 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr "fe-common/irc" = {
289 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr chanmode_change = "%K--modechange {channel $0}:%N {mode $1} %Kby%N $2";
290 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois = "%K,-%w-%W-%nWhois%W-%w-%K<%N $0 {chanhost_hilight $1@$2}%n%:%K|%n {whois ircname $3}";
291 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_idle = "%K|%n {whois idle %|$1d $2h $3m $4s}";
292 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_idle_signon = "%K|%n {whois idle %|$1d $2h $3m $4s {comment signon: $5}}";
293 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_server = "%K|%n {whois server %|$1 {comment $2}}";
294 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_oper = "%K|%n {whois {hilight $1}}";
295 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_registered = "%K|%n {whois has registered this nick}";
296 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_help = "%K|%n {whois is available for help}";
297 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_modes = "%K|%n {whois modes $1}";
298 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_realhost = "%K|%n {whois hostname $1-}";
299 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_usermode = "%K|%n {whois usermode $1}";
300 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_channels = "%K|%n {whois channels %|$1}";
301 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_away = "%K|%n {whois away %|$1}";
302 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_special = "%K|%n {whois info %|$1}";
303 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_extra = "%K|%n {whois extra %|$1}";
304 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr end_of_whois = "%K`---------------- -- --- - - -";
305 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr whois_not_found = "%K>%w>%W>%N There is no such nick $0";
306 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
307 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # very ugly. But recently some EFNet IRCDs send an annoying
308 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr # "actually using host" message along with whois.
309 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr default_event_server = "%K|%n {whois ircdmsg $1 [$0]}";
310 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr
311 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr server_chanmode_change = "{netsplit IRCDMode}%K/$0 %n{mode $1} %Kby%N {nick $2}";
312 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr own_action = "{ownaction $0}$1";
313 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr action_public = "{pubaction $0}$1";
314 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr action_public_channel = "{pubaction $0{msgchannel $1}}$2";
315 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channel_created = "%K-- Channel%n $0 %Kcreated%n $1";
316 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr topic = "%K-- Topic for %n$0: $1";
317 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr no_topic = "%K-- No topic set for %n$0";
318 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr topic_info = "%K-- Topic set by%n {nick $0} {nickhost $2} {comment $1}";
319 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr channel_synced = "%KJoin to%n {channel $0} %Kwas synced in%n {hilight $1} secs";
320 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr };
321 720d3650 2013-07-01 xhr };