Commit Diff

commit - 3de9f29780b17a9f33313258c8f2cb5ab3c4faae
commit + 171645ee909c8492ff8330bdc0069d661aad42dd
blob - 24ae34de354ce8d1d1c0bfe18552f1832802edbd
blob + 0eeb0aa12464fa6584205ba14164fc9d74a8d243
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 Although there are several Ironsworn player toolkits available, there was none for the command line.  Since I prefer working in a terminal, I wrote isscrolls.  Think of it as the most Unix-like Ironsworn experience you'll ever see.  Besides that, you can play it over SSH or even in a shared terminal session (with tmux or screen).
+![isscrolls screenshot](
 ## Features
 The following game mechanics are already implemented: