commit 36d11541f433b559f9c8c2eea9de5ccec5ecfe8d from: xhr date: Mon Jul 01 17:46:31 2013 UTC README - more cosmentic changes commit - ef80324a0fe2b4e8ea54b9619ecce4a3d729842a commit + 36d11541f433b559f9c8c2eea9de5ccec5ecfe8d blob - 098d10762b3aff7b41c8a60a9d3fe781178814e7 blob + fd77c0fdc772ae2f210854afc8b3872ccf9ae103 --- +++ @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Usage 1. Clone the repository and copy dtoogle to a location in your `$PATH` 2. Open the file in a text editor, look for the `choose_profile()` function and change the profiles to your needs or add new ones. I included my profiles for home, work and projector. In order to get the names of the displays, connect them and run `dtoogle -m`. Look for the strings that say "connected". Add the name of your internal display to `INTERN` and all names of your external displays to `EXTERN[0]` up to `EXTERN[n]`. Note: The order of the extries is important, i.e. entry number n is either left of right (depending on the option) of number (n+1)! + ```bash function choose_profile() { @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ function choose_profile() # ;; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` + 3. Check the command line options with `dtoogle -h` and enjoy. Bugs