
Remove sed as dependency, can be done with awk

Small fixed regarding bash, send and bump copyright

README - Update for latest changes

dtoggle - Remove -N and make it the default

dtoggle - Change usage format

dtoggle - Fix typos

Rename utils to fix typo

README - Add text about -N, usage scenarios and fix typos

Remove accidently added exit call

Add -N option If -N is set, dtoggle does not use a specified profile. It works with the connected displays instead. The first connected one is assumed to be the internal display, all other ones are external displays.

dtoogle can now read the profile from a config file which is $HOME/.dtoogle.conf. - Another sentence about the toggle option

Add new -t option for toggeling This options switches between all available options(int, ext, mirror, extend) and saves the state in ~/.dtoggle.

Reformat usage, beautify -m and change default displays

rename to dtoogle

README - more cosmentic changes

README - cosmetic changes

README - Add more text

dtoggle - Add -h option and fix a bug

Update readme

Update with more features - More options (-m, -n, -l, -r) - Fix bug in clone mode

initial commit of